Patients referred to our practice for evaluation and restoration of an upper-limb deficiency, whether congenital or acquired, undergo a detailed process designed to provide the most practical and functional prosthesis for their individual needs, preferences and...
Prosthetic ambulation can be quite painful and damaging as impact forces at heel strike are transmitted up the prosthetic limb through the socket to the residual limb and on to the upper leg, hips and back. Undampened, these unfriendly forces can discourage even the...
Off-The-Shelf or OTS Orthopedic Braces An enduring debate in the rehabilitation specialties centers on the feasibility and applicability of prefabricated, aka “off-the-shelf” or “OTS,” orthopedic braces. From decades ago when virtually all orthotic components were...
Ever wonder what goes on in the “back office” of an orthotic and prosthetic practice? Most health care professionals involved in the care of physically challenged patients and those who wear prosthetic and/or orthotic devices have never ventured into an O&P...
Prosthetic Sockets Improve Function Transfemoral amputee John T., 45, presented with a seven-year-old, outdated prosthetic leg, which no longer fit or functioned properly. Like many traumatic amputees, John maintains an active lifestyle and expects a lot from his...
Orthotic management of spinal conditions presents a variety of options and challenges to today’s clinicians…options in the wide variety of devices now in use, challenges in selecting the most appropriate one for each patient’s specific needs. Spinal bracing...